Volume 12 (2007)
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Ľubomír Dorčák, Ján Terpák, Marcela Papajová, Františka Dorčáková and Ladislav Pivka: Design of the fractional-order PIλDµ controllers based on the optimization with self-organizing migrating algorithm
Ján Terpák, Ľubomír Dorčák and Jozef Revaj: Analysis of the Parameter of the Electro-discharge Texturing
Marcela Lascsáková: Contribution about the influence of the approximation period on the accuracy of Aluminium prices forecasting on the London Metal Exchange
Krzysztof Filipowicz: Determining the static characteristics of a torsionally flexible metal coupling
Eduard Dobra, Ján Pinka, Jacek Engel and Eliška Horniaková: Geological structure and mineral resources of Algeria
Viliam Carach and Jozef Mačala: The influence of using LPG device on the carbondioxide emissions from personal passenger cars
Tevfik Agacayak, Veysel Zedef and Salih Aydogan: Benefication of low-grade chromite ores of abandoned mine at Topraktepe, Beyşehir, SW Turkey
Emília Sminčáková and Ľudmila Komorová: Kinetics of Sb2S3 leaching in NaOH solution
Janka Jablonská, Gejza M. Timčák and Jaroslav Špičuk: Corelations between tourism and environmental load in the "Slovak Paradise - Slovenský Raj", E.Slovakia
Ferenc Kovács: Expected Rates of Renewable Energy Sources in Meeting of Energy Demands
Ján Kantor: Firms' behavior in conditions of imperfect competitive environments
Štefan Berežný, Zuzana Hajduová, Erik Weiss and Ladislav Mixtaj: Another mathematical optimization models based on assignment problem
Special Issue
Félix Sekula, Tobiáš Lazar, Viliam Bauer und Zsold Szentirmai: Trends and opportunities for the radioactive waste disposal in the Earth crust
Michal Bartko and Ladislav Éhn: Safety barriers and complex operational monitoring system of the radioactive waste deposit of Slovakia RÚ RAO in Mochovce including its perspective and extension
Igor Slaninka, Jozef Hók and Jozef Franzen: Status and development of deep geological repository in Slovak republic from geological point of view
Franz W. Peren: The Litho-Jet method – an essential requirement for the economical realisation of geothermal power systems
Pavol Rybár: Geothermal energy sources and possibilities of their exploitation
Peter W. Brennecke: Safety Aspects in Radioactive Waste Management
Dietmar P. F. Möller: Storage of High Level Nuclear Waste in Germany
Miloš Suk: Properties and development of the middle European Lithospere: Reality and Ideas
Wernt Brewitz and Tilmann Rothfuchs: Concepts and Technologies for Radioactive Waste Disposal in Rock Salt
Guenter Pusch: Gas Permeation Models for Dilatant Deformation of Rock Salt under Deviatoric Stress Conditions
Ernst Huenges and David Bruhn: Technology for the Utilization of Deep Geothermal Reservoirs in Germany
Klara Bojadgieva, Vladimir Hristov and Aleksey Bende: General overview of geothermal energy in Bulgaria
Bedřich Michálek, Daniel Holéczy, Petr Jelínek and Arnošt Grmela: Utilization of Thermal Energy of Mine Waters from Flooded Underground Mines
Jozef Kuzma and Luboš Hruštinec: The Influence of Engineering-Geological Conditions on the Construction of the Radioactive Waste Dump
Lubomil Pospíšil, Jana Mikšová and Miroslav Kováčik: Risk and Geodynamically active areas of Carpathian lithosphere
Bedřich Michálek: Mining of Radioactive Raw Materials as an Origin of the Nuclear Fuel Chain
Jaroslav Bárta, Michal Tesař and Dušan Dostál: Geophysical survey aimed at selecting radioactive waste repository site (Czech republic)
Luboš Hruštinec and Jozef Kuzma: Mathematical Analysis of Malfunctions Caused by Seepage Water to the Republic Radioactive Waste Dump in Mochovce
Radim Blaheta, Petr Byczanski, Richard Šňupárek and Antonín Hájek: Geomechanical problems of an underground storage of spent nuclear fuel and their mathematic modelling
Juraj Ďurove, Blažej Pandula, Jozef Viskup, Dušan Čellár, Edmund Wax and Jozef Slavkovský: Interdisciplinary Cooperation by Exploration of appropriate sites for Radiactive Waste Deposits
Hans-Joachim Bayer: Trenchless Replacement of Buried Cable Lines
Igor Hudoba: Utilization of Concrete as Construction Material in the Concept of Radioactive Waste Storing in Slovak Republic
Hans-Joachim Bayer: Effective Geothermal Utilisation close to the surface by the TT-Geothermal Radial Drilling (GRD-)Method
Eduard Dobra, Juraj Ďurove, Ján Pinka and Jozef Slavkovský: From the Herľany geyser to prove sources of geothermal potential in the Košice basin
Elemér Bobok and Anikó Tóth: First geothermal pilot power plant in Hungary
Vlastimil Myslil and Václav Frydrych: Exploitation of geothermal energy for the production of electric energy and warm for the town agglomeration of Litoměřice
Vladimír Slugeň, Marek Mikloš, Miroslav Božik and Daniel Vašina: Monitoring and Leak testig of wwer-440 fuel assemblies in Slovak wet interim spent fuel storage facility
Rolf Bielecki: Teilanalyse über die Anwendung der Flammenschmelztechnologie zur Herstellung von Teufen > 1000 m für Ablagerungen von radioaktiven Abfällen im Untergrund
Henryk Kleta, Franciszek Plewa and Piotr Pierzyna: Properties of materials dedicated for construction of isolation plugs-barriers in underground workings connecting underground nuclear waste repository with ground surface
Peter Schmäh: Vertical shaft machines. State of the art and vision
Viliam Bauer, Marian Šofranko and Martin Stavnikovič: Research of the multibarrier system for an underground deposition of radioactive wastes
Jana Chabroňová: A deformation of surface during the construction of underground spaces
Michal Polák and Karel Sosna: Verification of the both hydrogeological and hydrogeochemical code results by an on-site test in granitic rocks
Hans-Joachim Bayer: New method of trenchless cable replacement by the new HDD wash over technology
Marek Bajtala, Štefan Sokol and Ján Ježko: Estimation of network parameters with consideration of the horizontal refraction influence
Milan Berka: Optimization of Methods for Geodetic Data for Multicast in IP Networks
Alena Berková: Digitized cadastral map from a point of view of compiler of geometric plan
Blín Jan, Koudelková Tereza, Blínová Petra, Nechvátalová Vladimíra and Fau Aleš: GIS in Mostecká uhelná a.s.
Peter Blišťan: Presentation of geological date in Geographic information systems
Bubeník František and Hánek Pavel: Transformation of Precise Local Networks into the National Network Using GPS
Busch Wolfgang and Maas Klaus: Remarks to the risk assessment for abandoned mine sites
Stanislav Dejl and Martin Vrubel: Problems of the old mine from advance breakage in the open pit mine Nástup Tušimice
Marek Fraštia, Marek Bajtala and Štefan Sokol: Photogrammetric determination of the spatial shape of the clinker silo
Jörg Fugmann: Markscheiderische Beiträge zur Bergschadenkundlichen Analyse für das Altbergwerk Friedrichshall
István Havasi and Márton Györffy: The accuracy of DGPS surveys on the basis of test measurements with a Leica GS20 receiver
Marcel Janoš and Zdeněk Klusoň: Flying measuring scanning of mines, option of the optimum measure
Eligiusz Jędrzejec, Andrzej Kowalski and Piotr Gruchlik: Das System Szkody wer. 4.0 als Unterstützung im Bau der A4-Autobahn im Bereich der Deformation des Bergbaugebiets
Ján Ježko, Štefan Sokol and Marek Bajtala: Testing and calibration of geodetic instruments
Tomáš Jiřikovský: Digital Levelling in Subterranean Spaces
Olga Kaszowska: The Integrated Cadastral System in Poland
Olga Kaszowska, Piotr Kalisz and Wiesław Mika: Examples of development of the postindustrial objects from the liquidated mines
Ľudovít Kovanič jr., Ľudovít Kovanič and Jozef Sokol: Analysis of the form vault temple bearing by the laser apparatus LEICA TCR 305
Kratochvíl Jiří: Management of metrology in measuring of the displacement of building construction
Radim Kratochvíl and Josef Weigel: Activities of Institute of Geodesy, Brno University of Technology in the Moravian Karst
Žofia Kuzevičová, Ľubica Kozáková and Štefan Kuzevič: Choice of Locations for Wind Energy Utilization With GIS Tools
Ivan Maňas: 3D modeling of surface quarries and deposits of mined materials and the monitoring of slopes
Lucia Mihalová, Štefan Kuzevič and Žofia Kuzevičová: Application of GIS in hydrogeology and engineering geology
Jitka Mikšová: GIS for the needs of the Radioactive Waste Repository Authority
Václav Mikulenka: Influence of the mining works on the roads in Ostrava-Karviná´s distrikt
Henrich Miškeje and Martin Kalafut: The quality aspect of the spatial data collection for the Slovak Road Network collected by GPS
Neumanová Jana: Using the statistic tolerance interval for control measuring of building construction
Zdeněk Nevosád: To RTK points in CZEPOS network
Eva Pisoňová, Jozef Ornth and Vladimír Sedlák: Determining of the phase centre of the real position of GPS receiver antenna
Ladislav Plánka: Meso(topo)climatic maps and mapping
Ivana Podlesná, Žofia Kuzevičová, Štefan Kuzevič and Radim Rybár: Adjudication accessibility of the solar energy with GIS tools
Katarína Pukanská and Juraj Gajdošík: Die Vermessung und die Ausfertigung des 3-D-Modells des Holzkirchleins in Mirola mit dem terrestrischen Lasersken-System
Janka Sabová and Katarína Pukanská: Projekt der Deformationsuntersuchungen
Vladimír Sedlák, Peter Cengel, Michal Turán and Valéria Pukačová: GIS for the industrial park Kechnec in the East Slovak Region
Vladimír Sedlák, Gabriela Nemcová and Miroslav Šimčák: GPS kinematics measurements accuracy testing
Jan Schenk: Effect of a shape of terrain on a horizontal deformation of the line structures
Štefan Sokol, Ján Ježko and Marek Bajtala: Geodetic methods of 3D data collection
Stanislav Petr and Blín Jan: The technical requirements for operation of the Leica TCR 2003A automated total station in working conditions of the Mostecká uhelná company
Eva Šaršaňová, Žofia Kuzevičová and Štefan Kuzevič: Digital technical map of Košice city
Miroslav Šimčák, Žofia Kuzevičová and Štefan Kuzevič: Three dimensional visualisation chosen part of Košice city
Talich Milan: Deformation analysis of the repeated positional surveys in the undermined localities using web applications and WMS map services
Roman Turowski: The aplication of Sanchez method in the science-development network Stare Mesto sub Sneznik
Kateřina Valentová, Dagmar Böhmová and Vít Borovička: Survey of the Zbrašov Aragonite Caves by using the 3D scanner ILRIS 36D and photogrammetry survey
Miroslav Vítek and Josef Novák: Mapping of the flooded gravel-sand deposits with respect to a continual exploitation process under conditions of the gravel sand mine Náklo
Martin Vrubel a kolektiv and Dana Sládková: Problems of definitive slopes mining at Doly Nástup Tušimice
Gabriel Weiss and Vincent Jakub: The test verification of 3D geodetic points and their changes
Informative papers