Volume 29 (2024)
- Yelyzaveta APANOVYCH, Zuzana ROWLAND and Blanka BOROVKOVÁ: The Impact of Oil Prices on the GDP of V4 Countries
- Marek VOCHOZKA, Miroslav ŠKODA, Robin KUNJU MOL RAJ and Andrea BLÁHOVÁ: Bitcoin as a National Currency: A Case Study for the Czech Republic
- Kunpeng SHI, Shuren WANG, Weibin MA, Wenxue CHEN and Marcin RABE: Dynamic Response Characteristics of Foundation of Mined-out Areas under High-speed Railway Load
- Miroslav BETUŠ, Martin KONČEK, Marian ŠOFRANKO, Jozef ČAMBAL, Ján CHOVAN and Marek SZUCS: Testing and evaluation of light clothing properties used in fire and rescue service units
- Ludmila AFANASIEVA, Alexander BOLOTOV and Fares ABU-ABED: High-Speed Steel Technology Substitution in Mining Machinery – an Experimental Study
- Karolina CZERWIŃSKA, Andrzej PACANA and Denis TIRPÁK: A model for aligning the features of the production process with the idea of sustainable development
- Tomáš KRULICKÝ, Anton JURA and Robin KUNJU MOL RAJ: Navigating the Dynamics of Brent Crude Oil Prices: Factors, Trends, and Insights
- Dana TOMETZOVÁ, Mário MOLOKÁČ, Radoslava JANKOVIČOVÁ and Oľga Glova Végsöová: Optimizing the Utilization of Geothermal Water in Spa Tourism: An Investment Strategy with a Focus on Sustainability
- Emad Ullah KHAN, Maryam SALEEM, Syed Muhammad Wasim SAJJAD, Zeeshan AHMAD and Zishan JAVAID: Reservoir heterogeneities due to diagenesis in Jurassic Samana Suk Formation Kahi section Nizampur Basin North West Himalayas Pakistan
- Dominika SIWIEC, Andrzej PACANA and Martin MIKESKA: Application of life cycle assessment (LCA) to analyze the environmental loads of heavy machinery components
- Elena GRIDINA, Stanislav KOVSHOV, Valentina IUREVICH and Dmitry BOROVIKOV: Safety improvement in open-pit mines with challenging mining conditions through upgrading avalanche prevention measures
- Katarína TEPLICKÁ and Pavel STAŠA: Implementing Lean Manufacturing Method to Achieve an Effective Maintenance System in the Mining Company
- Halim TATLI: The Impact of Climate Change on Life Expectancy in the UK: Empirical Evidence from Fourier Bootstrap ARDL Procedure
- Roman KOZEL, Josef BĚLICA, Filip KEMPA, Jakub CHLOPECKÝ, Ondřej GRYCZ and Michal CEHLÁR: Waste management systems in the context of sustainability
- Katarína ČULKOVÁ, Marcela TAUŠOVÁ, Barbara KOWAL, Lucia DOMARACKÁ and Lukáš VAVLIČ: Bankruptcy and bonity models use for prediction of the mining organization development
- Bahar ÖZBEK and Sefa ÖZBEK: Environmental Sustainability in India: The Effects of Financial Development and Green Energy on Ecological Footprint
- Witold BIAŁY, Dariusz PROSTAŃSKI, Tomasz KORBIEL and Ivan KURIC: Weibull distribution as a criterion of emergency levels
- Maroš SOLDÁN, Tomáš ŠTEFKO, Igor WACHTER, Renata NAVICKIENĖ and Hana KOBETIČOVÁ: Changes in the structure of red mud and black nickel mud after activation
- Ahmed ABBAKER and Nevzat ASLAN: A Comparative Study of Anionic and Cationic Collector in Microbubble-Assisted Flotation for Coarse Quartz Particle: Performance and Adsorption
- Alexander BOLOTOV, Vladislav NOVIKOV, Olga NOVIKOVA, Fares ABU-ABED and Sergey ZHIRONKIN: Application of diamond abrasive tools in the processing of technical ceramics in parts of mining machines
- Nataliya KABLAK, Katarina PUKANSKA, Karol BARTOŠ, Ihor SAVCHYN, Mariya NYCHVYD, Ivan KALYNYCH, Jan FEHÉR and Ivan PRODANETS: Application of integrated geodetic and UAV technologies for monitoring environmental changes due to the mining activities in Solotvyno salt mine, Ukraine
- Mohamed ABU-HASHIM, Karm Fouad MOUSA, Abd-Elrhaman MERWAD, Natalia JUNAKOVA, Peter BUJANSKY, Martina ZELENAKOVA and Ahmed Adel ABDELLATIF: Potential Effect of Mangrove Ecosystem on Soil Carbon Sequestration and its Physico-Chemical Properties
- Andrzej GAWLIK, Maciej SOBOCIŃSKI, Jacek TAPCZEWSKI, Marcin RABE, Widera KATARZYNA, Maciej ŚNIEGOWSKI and Agnieszka ŁOPATKA: Fuel cells – converting ethanol chemical energy into electricity
- E. SALEHI, M. GHAFOURI MOGHADAM, J. KHANI, M. HAJIHASSANI and S. ROSTAM ABADI: Investigation of the specific charge variations in determining the optimal methods for drilling and blasting of tunnels
- Mohammad Reza KOMARI ALAEI, Reza ROSTAMZADEH, Dalia STREIMIKIENE and Mohammad HARIRI: Investigating cross-docking criteria for raw materials with hybrid MCDM
- Marie PAVLÁKOVÁ DOČEKALOVÁ, Jiří LUŇÁČEK, Lukáš RADIL, Adam P. BALCERZAK, Tomáš MELUZÍN, Justyna ŁAPIŃSKA and Marek ZINECKER: Determinants of the Relationship between Wholesale and Retail Energy Prices in the Czech Republic
- Nawaz AHMAD, Rizwan Raheem AHMED, Dalia STREIMIKIENE, Justas STREIMIKIS and Ahmad RAZA UL MUSTAFA: Stock Returns and Volatility: Comparative Investigation from SAARC Countries
- Sebastian KOT, Barbara PIONTEK and Bilal KHALID: The Economic Shockwaves of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Energy Sources Prices – The Impact on International Energy Markets
- Ramazan DEMİRCİOĞLU and Hatim ELHATİP: The Relationship of the Change in Hydrogeochemical Features and Lithium Values of Kızılırmak Basin (Nevsehir-Central Anatolia) Water with Tectonic Fields
- Andrzej PACANA, Dominika SIWIEC and Takyi KWABENA NSIAH: Analysis of the ecological footprint of mining machines in the phase of material extraction and processing in LCA
- Silvia PALGUTOVÁ, Ľubomír ŠTRBA and Andrea VRAVCOVÁ: Interpretation of geological heritage on nature trails and geotrails in Geopark Banská Štiavnica and their online information availability
- Katarzyna GRONDYS, Tomasz KAMIŃSKI and Mariusz KIEĆ: Influence of Transport Process Management on Exceeding Permitted Load Weights in Transport Companies
- Agata JANASZEK: Determining the Soil Particle Shape by Use of Dynamic Image Analysis
- Mahmoud MOTASIM, Tevfik AGACAYAK and Walid OSMAN: Ore Characterization and Quality Control Aspects of Gold Cyanidation: The CIL Plant as a Case Study in Sudan
- Kinga SZOPIŃSKA, Małgorzata KRAJEWSKA, Agnieszka BIEDA and Peter BLISTAN: Prioritization of Source Data Necessary for the Valuation of Real Estate with Mineral Deposits: The Case of Poland
- Michaela PROCHÁZKOVÁ, Iveta KMECOVÁ and Zdeněk CAHA: Identifying Differences in the Application of HR Marketing Tools in Companies in the Secondary Sector – a Case Study of Mining, Construction, and Manufacturing Industries
- Kristina RAZMINIENĖ and Manuela TVARONAVIČIENĖ: Advancing Circular Economy through Knowledge Transfer: A Decade of Research Insights
- Ladislav SUHÁNYI, Alžbeta SUHÁNYIOVÁ and Michaela KOČIŠOVÁ: Relationship between GDP and Government Expenditure on Environmental Protection and Environmental Tax Revenues
- Lukáš TAHOTNÝ, Viktor SUCHÝ, Jaroslav SCHÖNFELD and Zoltán RÓZSA: A novel approach to commercial property valuation: Successive term indexing and its competitive implications
- Nikolay SHAITOR, Milan SÁGA, Alexander OLEYNIKOV and Alexander GORPINCHENKO: Development of double-layer rotors for asynchronous drives of mining and transport machines
- Aigerim SAZANBAYEVA, Gulnar JANGULOVA and Eugene LEVIN: Theoretical Substantiation and Technology of Geodetic Support of Chromite Deposits on the Case of Kazakhstan: Literature Review
- Miriam ANDREJIOVA, Anna GRINCOVA, Daniela MARASOVA, jr. and Zuzana KIMAKOVA: Experimental study of the correlation between the conveyor belt structure and the belt puncture resistance
- Łukasz BOŁOZ: Innovative solution for the LHD loader intended for operation in low workings of underground mines
- Omer MAAITAH, Reyad AL DWAIRI and Nowf MAAITA: Geotechnical Properties of Stabilized Brown Soil in Al-Karak, South Jordan
- Tünde DZUROV VARGOVÁ, Daniela MATUŠÍKOVÁ and Branislav KRŠÁK: Sustainability of tourism initiatives in national parks on the tri-border of Slovakia-Poland-Ukraine as a stimulus for tourists' interest
- Evgeny A. GLADKOV, Anna Y. STEPANOVA and Olga V. GLADKOVA: Potential of plants and microorganisms for bioremediation technologies for mine rehabilitation
- Kristína HORIZRALOVÁ, Lucia KLEINOVÁ, Miroslav BETUŠ, Martin KONČEK and Peter RUSNÁK: Evacuation of a person in the event of an emergency at the nuclear fatality
- Youcef CHEIKHAOUI, Hamza CHENITI, Ibtissem ZERIRI, Adel AISSI, Aissa BENSELHOUB and Ali Ismet KANLI: Analyzing Pillar Strength and Behavior using Wolfram Mathematica code: Effects of Cracks, Size and Discretization
- Togys KARMANOV, Nessipbay TUSSUPBAYEV, Bakytzhan KALIYEV, Bakhyt ZHAUTIKOV and Bulbul MAULETBEKOVA: Optimizing Separation of Waste Drilling Muds through Ultraflocculation and Flocculant Selection
- Tomáš KŘEMEN, Ondřej MICHAL, Tomáš JIŘIKOVSKÝ and Ivan KURIC: Long-distance SLAM scanning of mine tunnel - testing of precision and accuracy of Emesent Hovermap ST-X
- Sergey MARKOV, Maxim TYULENEV, Dmitry DUBINKIN and Elena MURKO: Estimation of Excavator-Automobile Complex Productivity at Changing of Engineering and Geological Conditions
- Katarzyna MIDOR: Quality of Short-Link Chains as an Element of Innovation in Mining Industry
- Muhib ULLAH, Shahid GHAZI, Muhammad JEHANGIR KHAN and Mubashir MEHMOOD: Geospatial Analysis of Landslide and Assessing its Risk Along the Swat Motorway, Pakistan
- Péter PECSMÁNY, János VÁGÓ and András HEGEDŰS: GIS-based alluvial fan analysis: a case study in the Eastern part of the North Alföld Periphery (Hungary)
- Matthieu TSHANGA M, Lindani NCUBE and Elna van NIEKERK: Remote sensing insights into subsurface-surface relationships: Unveiling geological structures and landforms at copper deposits
- Marek WIDERA, Paweł URBAŃSKI and Robert WACHOCKI: Disappearing lignite seam in the Tomisławice opencast (Konin Basin, central Poland) – the case study based on field and borehole data
- Martina ZELENAKOVA, Natalia JUNAKOVA, Vlasta ONDREJKA HARBULAKOVA, Barbora IANNACCONE, Maria HLINKOVA, Rastislav FIJKO and Hany F. ABD-ELHAMID: Morphometric parameterization of flash flood risk assessment
- Xiaoli XIE, Shujing JIA, Yan ZENG, Tianyu ZHANG, Chunlei GE, Siliu YU and Jie ZHU: Geophysical exploration of tungsten–copper deposit using the wide-field electromagnetic method
- Zhang LI, Xixi CHEN, Xiaodi DUAN and Qianjin SHANG: Geopark Tourism Planning Evaluation Index System Based on the Interpretation of Cultural and Natural Heritage Values: A Case Study of Dali Mount Cangshan Global Geopark, Yunnan, China
- Robert RANOSZ, Barbara KOWAL and Lucia DOMARACKÁ: Directions of changes in the structure of electricity production in the world
- Abdelkhalek BARBOUCHI, Iman ER-RAQI, Rachid IDOUHLI, Mohy-Eddine KHADIRI, Abdessalem ABOUELFIDA, Mehdi LOUARRAT, Mohcine MIKALI, Moulay Abdellah EL ALAOUI-CHRIFI, Hakim FAQIR, Intissar BENZAKOUR and Jaouad BENZAKOUR: Chemical Oxidation of Pyrite by Strong Oxidizing Agents: For Pretreatment of Refractory Pyritic Gold Ores
- Chukwuebuka ONWUBUARIRI, Chidiebere AGOHA, Lebe NNANNA, Joseph UGOCHUKWU, Osaki LAWSON-JACK, Chidimma IKEME, Obinna Dinneya and Christian EMMANUEL: Geophysical Interpretation of Obudu Area, Cross River State, Southeastern Nigeria Using Aeromagnetic Data
- Eduard HYRÁNEK and Branislav MIŠOTA: Predicting impending bankruptcy and financial distress of a mining company using the HGN model
- Pinar KARAKUS, Hakan KARABORK and Sinasi KAYA: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Yield Estimation of Corn and Sunflower Using Single-Dated Satellite Imagery Between 2014-2016
- Jakub MAŠEK and Jan PLAČEK: Exploring the Role of Venture Capital in Advancing Green Innovation: A Systematic Literature Reviewt
- Andrzej PACANA, Dominika SIWIEC and Hawree Sulaiman Mawlood DIZAYE: Concept of improvement of product considering the qualitative-ecological interactions and weights of attributes
- Andrea SENOVA, Filip KUFFA, Lucia GROSOSOVA and Ibrahim ALKHALAF: Assessment of the environmental and economic impacts of mining and elimination of negative impacts of mining activities
- Mohammad Javad RAHIMDEL, Mohammad Sedegh MALEKI and Hossein NOFERESTI: Assessment of the vibrational health risk in mining trucks operation: Driver's health and safety
- Biljana PEJIC and Miroljub MILINCIC: The Impact of Tourism and Urban Growth on the Sustainable Development in the Kopaonik National Par
- Jakub BERNATT and Zbigniew SZKUDLAREK: High-Efficiency Synchronous Motors with Permanent Magnets
- Andreas GEORGIOU, Lucia BEDNÁROVÁ and Dušan KUDELAS: Climate Change Risk and Financial Performance in Cyprus: Management Perceptions
- Agnieszka BIEDA, Tomasz ADAMCZYK, Piotr PARZYCH and Peter BLISTAN: Manifestations of the mountain landscape in toponyms: an example from Poland
- Jana SIMONIDESOVÁ, Eva MANOVÁ, Adela FERANECOVÁ and Erika KURIMSKÁ PAJERSKÁ: Application of selected environmental taxes in Slovakia and Hungary
- Martin UŽÍK, Sebastian BLOCK and Alexander STOCK: Performance of the gold asset class compared to indices since the end of the Bretton Woods system)
- Yuedi WANG, Blanka TUNDYS and Agnieszka POKORSKA: Sustainable mobility - strengths and weaknesses of electromobility in smart cities
- Miloš POLIAK, Kristián ČULÍK, Iwona Ewa HAJDUK and Bernhard KIRSCHBAUM: Psychological, safety and environmental impact of the Front Braking Light
- Said BERDOUDI, Ghania BOUKHATEM, Aissa BENSELHOUB, Youcef CHEIKHAOUI and Hamza CHENITI: Numerical modeling of slope stability and Safety factor in open-pit mine and conceivable measure
- Muhammad IBRAHIM, Muhammad HAMZA, Ihtisham ISLAM, Abdul Rahim ASIF, Sajjad AHMAD, Babar HASSAN, Muhammad SHAN, George KONTAKIOTIS, Hammad Tariq JANJUHAH, Ilias LAZOS and Assimina ANTONARAKOU: Carbonate Rock Evaluation: Petrographic Insights and Geotechnical Implications for Construction Industries in the Salt Range Region, Pakistan
- Yuriy BILAN Selçuk NAM and Dilek NAM: The role of management in preventing occupational accidents in the mining sector
- Rosemary JOSEPH, Zuzana ROWLAND and Yelyzaveta SHEBALKOVA: The Evolving Role of Gold as an Inflation Hedge: Evidence from Europe and the United States
- Anna MICHÁLKOVÁ, Monika NAĎOVÁ KROŠLÁKOVÁ, Branislav KRŠÁK, Marián ČVIRIK and Andrea TOMÁŠKOVÁ: Perception of the problems of financing the development of regional tourism in Europe
- Marek MORAVIČ, Daniela MARASOVÁ, Robert KRÓL, Maksymilian OZDOBA, Aleš SLÍVA and Dušan KUBALA: Application of the method of reducing rotating masses in mining transport system
- Sumit BANERJEE and Netai Chandra DEY: Stochastic modelling of Continuous Miner based underground coal mine production planning through curve-fitting and regression approac
- Marek VOCHOZKA, Robin KUNJU MOL RAJ, Veronika ŠANDEROVÁ and Josef GULYÁS: Impact of Metal Commodity Prices in Predicting the Future Rate of Inflation rate in Poland
- Jingqiong WU, Xueke WU, Jiabo HUANG and Jozef NEMEC: Exploring the Affect Mechanism of Cold-chain Logistics on Agricultural Resources Exploitation
- Hafes IQBAL S, Nisha RANI and Nilanchal PATEL: Lithological Mapping of Kimberlite Clan of Rocks Using Airborne Hyperspectral AVIRIS Data in Eastern Dharwar Craton, India